Disabled access

Services for the Disabled

If you have a disability and you require assistance, please ask at reception where one of our Receptionists will be pleased to help you.

Hearing Loops

The Medical Centre has a hearing loop in both our main reception and our dispensary reception.  Please adjust your hearing aid to the necessary frequency

Making appointments

If you are unable to use the telephone to make appointments, you can request an appointment via the following email address: LECCG.oldleakemc@nhs.net

This email is checked at 8.30am and at lunchtime every day.  An appointment will be allocated to you and a return email will be sent advising you of the time and place. This service should not be used in the case of an emergency.

Patient Leaflet

Our Patient leaflet is available in large print for those who are partially sighted.  Please ask our receptionist if you require a booklet in large print

Disabled Toilets

Disabled toilets are available.


If you require the use of a wheelchair, we have one located in the foyer. If you require assistance please ask a Receptionist.

Date published: 13th October, 2014
Date last updated: 21st April, 2021