The Health Visiting team can be reached by telephoning 01205 367037.
This is a single access line for the entire Health Visiting team, the line will be open Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm. The telephone will be manned by a Health Care Support Worker and supported by an on-call Health Visitor.
They provide a high quality family centred approach to all families registered at the surgery with children under the age of five including:
- Antenatal support for all first time patents
- Primary birth visit – home visit 10 to 14 days after your baby is born
- Six week development review
- Eight month development review
- Two year development review
- Drop in baby clinic
Baby Clinic
Well baby clinic is held at The Children’s Centre, 9.30am – 10.30am Old Leake Primary School on Monday mornings. The practice sends out appointment letters detailing childhood immunisation appointments with the Practice Nurse. If any of these appointments are not suitable please ring the surgery to re-arrange them to a more convenient time.
The Health Visiting team are also available to support families in many other areas including:
- Behaviour management
- Eating problems
- Potty training
- Children with additional needs
- Relationship difficulties/breakdown
- Postnatal depression
- Safeguarding children
The team liaise with other agencies including Physiotherapy, Speech therapy, Dieticians, Occupational therapy, Homestart, Paediatricians, Community Paediatrician, Special care baby unit and Neonatal unit.
The Health Visiting team also work with Surestart and have access to the Children’s Centre at Old Leake Primary School for meetings and developmental reviews.